Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is this really normal???? Really???

I swear I have cried more in the last couple of weeks than I have cried in a year. I cry at commercials on TV, I cry during the Praise and Worship songs at church (which is not a bad thing), I cry at a post on the computer. Our Yellow Lab, Mazie, sits at my feet and looks at me with those huge eyes, BOOM, that's all it takes... WHY????

I would go so far as to say, I have cried over anything and everything that could possible give me the SLIGHTEST reason.... WHY????

I haven't even had surgery yet. My hormones are not going crazy YET....
I have not had some surgical menopause kick in, but boy you can't tell it in our house... No Sir.... God Bless a WONDERFULLY PATIENT and LOVING Husband who just holds me and says "It's OK" "You're fine" "I Love You". Daughters who are going to come stay and help with the house, because I will be M.I.A. for weeks...I am also thankful for friends I have made through this computer. Friends on Face book that have taken the time to actually call me on the phone and talk to me about their experience with having a hysterectomy. Friends from, what an outstanding group of women willing to be honest and open..

Thank you to all of the above mentioned people for making my life a bit more tolerable as I get ready for this new adventure...

Well it should be fun to watch what becomes of me and my posts over the next month,.. Stay tuned!!

Gentle Hugs & Stay Warm-


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