Now I am not going to try to fool you and tell you it smell like spring time, but it is a fabulous little brown bottle to keep in the medicine cabinet. It smells quite strong and not very pleasant , but it has great anti-bacterial properties. It can be used neat (or directly from the bottle, not diluted) on a cotton ball to take care of a scraped knee or a mosquito bite. It can be dabbed on a small acne break out. There is a whole host of people that add several drops of it to their shampoo and use it as a head lice deterrent. It is a very long story, but I can vouch for the fact that tea tree oil and olive oil mixed together placed and saturated on the hair, wrapped in saran wrap overnight can kill off even the most stubborn lice. It only takes 2 washings to get the olive oil out and the mixture somehow releases their glue to the hair shaft. The little guys just slide right off. I made a habit of spraying my girls hair and coats with a water and tea tree oil mixture before they left for school everyday when they were in elementary school after our little exposure. Never had another problem.
The Wonderful World of Vinegar....
I know some people can't stand the smell much less the idea of using it regulalrly, but it is by far one of the most under rated kitchen cabinet residents out there. There are literally 1000's of uses for vinegar. It is dated well before the Bible in use for anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties.
Here are just a few of the ways I use vinegar...
In my laundry, it is a great fabric softner and have you ever had that musty smell when you forgot the load of towels in the washer??? I KNOW I am not the only one to do that.... If you re-run the load just through the rise/spin cycle but add vinegar to the water it will remove that smell. Better yet just used vinegar in the first place and you will have a little bit longer to get to the washer in the first place.
As an antacid- This one is (no pun intended) pretty hard to get down.... If is an incredible reliever of sour tummy. For this I buy Braggs Organic Vinegar with the mother still in it, just meaning it has not been filtered. If we are ingesting it directly I use the organic, it seems to work better. Now we have 2 methods, my hubby just goes for it and I dilute it. It is one Tablespoonful and he will grab a spoon and down it. I almost throw up so no go for me . I dilute mine in about 3 oz of water just enough to get down in one gulp. It takes the acid away like i have never seen. If you continue to "burp" it is not acidy or burns.
More to come..