A potpourri of LIFE: Snippets of running an eBay store, odd home remedies, great recipes and doing it all living with Daily Chronic Pain, but as always GOD is good all the time...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Just a moment to say hello...
I so apologize for not checking more often.. I have been so busy with our eBay store and the holidays and company. You know what, it really is not a good excuse. It only takes a minute to pop on here and say s=hello. So HELLO.... I am going to run my store a bit differently this year so I hope to have a tiny bit more time so hopefully I can devote some more time to this blog and my one on Chronic Pain. More to come soon.....
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Never enough time in the day.....
Am I the only one that finds there in NEVER enough time in my day? I sit here not working a traditional job, so you would think I would have a pretty light schedule. Not so. I am very busy with my eBay store and getting it ready for the holidays. I have gotten involved in a new and exciting Facebook group called eBay Underground come check us out sometime if you are looking to learn about selling on eBay or are already selling, but would love some friendship and fun. We are having contests and we post our progress through the week (only if you want to). We encourage each other to get to listing when we are pooped. We certainly use our combined brain power to figure out "what in the heck is this?" In our group we encourage your business growth, however that may be. We are thrilled to have you post affiliate links to a post. Understanding that several people are probably affiliates for the same company, it would be nice to share the wealth. We even have a place where we all post our stores and blogs. Come on over and see what we have to offer you might not want to leave.....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Bean Counter Interview
Please take this post with a grain of salt. I hope I have correctly repeated all the information I received. As with any profession there are vast differences in opinions, so one accountant may not agree with mine, but then again, this is free advise.. If you have any questions please contact a tax professional because I only play one on T.V.... ;-) OH yeah.. this is long so grab a cup of coffee or tea or a margarita....
My Morning With My Bean Counter :-)
Collection of State Sales Tax?
YES, DO IT... Collect for the state you live in and it is optional to collect for the states you sell to, which in our cases would be all the states. There is a section on the Income Tax Form that says something along the lines of Use Tax (I am am not sure of the exact wording he was talking fast and it was not something I will be doing). If you do not there is a flat option that is based on your income that is usually the best option.
Possible New Law- Requirement to Collect for Sales Tax ALL States?
There is a HUGE push right now to get this stopped and buried, but it is not looking real good. It appears to be looming on the horizon. If all things line up, it will be law and we will be paying Sales tax to each state of the purchaser. The paperwork will be a handful. Get ready. That will be a year or two away.
PayPal 1099's?
They are coming and so are 1099's for anyone who you do business with for over $599.99 as of December 31, 2011, more to come later. All I will say now is DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT!!!!
There are 2 different groupings for us today, I am sure there are several others, but for todays sake we are dealing with 2. First is: % of Square Foot or Home Office and Second is : % of Use or Depreciation. We will start with Home Office. First you need to determine where in your home you do eBay solely, by that I mean ONLY eBay, nothing else. No guest room, No laundry room, No garage, No Dining Room Table... eBay ONLY.. For example your home is 1200 square feet and you use a 3rd bedroom for your “eBay room” it is 120 square feet. Then 10% of your homes square footage is solely for eBay. Make sense?. If your home is 2000 square feet and you use your family room and that is the only thing you do in there and it measures out at 400 square feet.. You have dedicated 20% to an “eBay room”. You can deduct 20% of the following from your taxes as a “Home Office”. The Home Office items include: Mortgage, Property tax, Home Owners Insurance, Home Repair, Electric, Gas, Internet etc......... Now for the % of Use that is for purchases that are used up within a year or will depreciate. That would include a computer, fax machine, desk, chair, paper, ink, cell phone, computer repair, etc. On this one you need to determine how much use is personal and how much is business and this decision is iffy. Example. Cell Phone. I don't use my phone as much as you all for research. I would only deduct maybe 25% for business, where you all who do tons of research while thrifting might live by the phone might take 75%. The computer purchase, if I buy a new computer it will be mainly for eBay so I will take 90% deduction..
Gas Mileage? Record Keeping?
What the govt pays for mileage changes through the year. It had changed 2 times this year already. It was .55 and now it is .50. The best way to keep track of mileage is the old-fashioned way. Keep a notebook in the car and write a beginning and an end or keep it in a Day Planner. At the end of the week put a total in the corner, then at the end of the month put a total at the end of the page and circle. Then when you go into the Accountant you only have 12 numbers.. Keep mileage for trips to the Post Office, Thrift Store, Yard Sales, Staples, UPS, Computer Repair, Accountant, Bank, etc
Business Checking Account vrs. Personal Checking Account-
We came to the conclusion it is by far a better option for ME to open a Business account. It will have my store name as the primary name then I will be a signer and my hubby will be also for shopping trips. I will change PP and make it my default account in PP. I do not like the fact that PayPal is linked to my personal checking account and I don't like the lack of a paper trail. As this nightmare called Govt. gets a hold of our money more and more, we will need to prove where our money came from. So I have officially gone to my Courthouse and gotten a DBA (Doing Business AS) and I will be going to the bank in the morning and opening my first Business Account. I will do it at the same bank I have my personal account so I can access all the accounts online, but that way I will have a little system and it will go this way. Money from sales will be in PayPal, I will keep a set amount in there approx $100.00-200.00, anything over that I will transfer to my new business account. I will leave a cushion in there for emergencies (refunds, pay subscriptions, monthly fees also to get it away from the dreaded PP holds) THEN the extra if there is any...;-) I will write a check to myself with personal draw written in the memo section.. That will be my paycheck with a paper trail attached.
How to keep track merchandise purchased at Yard sales, no receipts?
Buy a cheap little receipt book and when you get to your car write down the item and the price you paid and the date, if you can write down the address for added verification. If Obama has his way, after 12-31-2011, we will need to get Name, Address and Social Security Numbers or Federal ID # on all purchases we make no matter the dollar amount because although it is not over 600.00 it MIGHT total 600.00 before the year is over, including yard sales. So to protect us dummies they are requiring us to get the info ahead of time just in case. Or there will be a fine. There is a HUGE fight now in DC about this. BUT it is a possibility. My Accountant truly believes this will not pass because of the MASSIVE amount of paperwork that will be created and the computer overload that will happen over night, but there is a chance.
Just keep educated. I would highly recommend getting an accountant, they really are not that expensive and they will save you a ton. I have had one for over 10 years and even on unemployment he has found me thousands ever year, no kidding. With this business I would never dream of doing it without him..
My Morning With My Bean Counter :-)
Collection of State Sales Tax?
YES, DO IT... Collect for the state you live in and it is optional to collect for the states you sell to, which in our cases would be all the states. There is a section on the Income Tax Form that says something along the lines of Use Tax (I am am not sure of the exact wording he was talking fast and it was not something I will be doing). If you do not there is a flat option that is based on your income that is usually the best option.
Possible New Law- Requirement to Collect for Sales Tax ALL States?
There is a HUGE push right now to get this stopped and buried, but it is not looking real good. It appears to be looming on the horizon. If all things line up, it will be law and we will be paying Sales tax to each state of the purchaser. The paperwork will be a handful. Get ready. That will be a year or two away.
PayPal 1099's?
They are coming and so are 1099's for anyone who you do business with for over $599.99 as of December 31, 2011, more to come later. All I will say now is DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT!!!!
There are 2 different groupings for us today, I am sure there are several others, but for todays sake we are dealing with 2. First is: % of Square Foot or Home Office and Second is : % of Use or Depreciation. We will start with Home Office. First you need to determine where in your home you do eBay solely, by that I mean ONLY eBay, nothing else. No guest room, No laundry room, No garage, No Dining Room Table... eBay ONLY.. For example your home is 1200 square feet and you use a 3rd bedroom for your “eBay room” it is 120 square feet. Then 10% of your homes square footage is solely for eBay. Make sense?. If your home is 2000 square feet and you use your family room and that is the only thing you do in there and it measures out at 400 square feet.. You have dedicated 20% to an “eBay room”. You can deduct 20% of the following from your taxes as a “Home Office”. The Home Office items include: Mortgage, Property tax, Home Owners Insurance, Home Repair, Electric, Gas, Internet etc......... Now for the % of Use that is for purchases that are used up within a year or will depreciate. That would include a computer, fax machine, desk, chair, paper, ink, cell phone, computer repair, etc. On this one you need to determine how much use is personal and how much is business and this decision is iffy. Example. Cell Phone. I don't use my phone as much as you all for research. I would only deduct maybe 25% for business, where you all who do tons of research while thrifting might live by the phone might take 75%. The computer purchase, if I buy a new computer it will be mainly for eBay so I will take 90% deduction..
Gas Mileage? Record Keeping?
What the govt pays for mileage changes through the year. It had changed 2 times this year already. It was .55 and now it is .50. The best way to keep track of mileage is the old-fashioned way. Keep a notebook in the car and write a beginning and an end or keep it in a Day Planner. At the end of the week put a total in the corner, then at the end of the month put a total at the end of the page and circle. Then when you go into the Accountant you only have 12 numbers.. Keep mileage for trips to the Post Office, Thrift Store, Yard Sales, Staples, UPS, Computer Repair, Accountant, Bank, etc
Business Checking Account vrs. Personal Checking Account-
We came to the conclusion it is by far a better option for ME to open a Business account. It will have my store name as the primary name then I will be a signer and my hubby will be also for shopping trips. I will change PP and make it my default account in PP. I do not like the fact that PayPal is linked to my personal checking account and I don't like the lack of a paper trail. As this nightmare called Govt. gets a hold of our money more and more, we will need to prove where our money came from. So I have officially gone to my Courthouse and gotten a DBA (Doing Business AS) and I will be going to the bank in the morning and opening my first Business Account. I will do it at the same bank I have my personal account so I can access all the accounts online, but that way I will have a little system and it will go this way. Money from sales will be in PayPal, I will keep a set amount in there approx $100.00-200.00, anything over that I will transfer to my new business account. I will leave a cushion in there for emergencies (refunds, pay subscriptions, monthly fees also to get it away from the dreaded PP holds) THEN the extra if there is any...;-) I will write a check to myself with personal draw written in the memo section.. That will be my paycheck with a paper trail attached.
How to keep track merchandise purchased at Yard sales, no receipts?
Buy a cheap little receipt book and when you get to your car write down the item and the price you paid and the date, if you can write down the address for added verification. If Obama has his way, after 12-31-2011, we will need to get Name, Address and Social Security Numbers or Federal ID # on all purchases we make no matter the dollar amount because although it is not over 600.00 it MIGHT total 600.00 before the year is over, including yard sales. So to protect us dummies they are requiring us to get the info ahead of time just in case. Or there will be a fine. There is a HUGE fight now in DC about this. BUT it is a possibility. My Accountant truly believes this will not pass because of the MASSIVE amount of paperwork that will be created and the computer overload that will happen over night, but there is a chance.
Just keep educated. I would highly recommend getting an accountant, they really are not that expensive and they will save you a ton. I have had one for over 10 years and even on unemployment he has found me thousands ever year, no kidding. With this business I would never dream of doing it without him..
Friday, July 2, 2010
Win a beautiful COLLECTIBLE Barbie
Click the above link for a chance to win on Ebay Coachs give away....
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sorry for the absence... Life gets too busy AGAIN..
We are trying to keep up with our eBay store and boy is it a job. The store is up to 275 items. The more I list, the more I sell so it is important to keep listing. I am in and out of here, but know I am checking regularly.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Walmart Gift Card Giveaway....
Folks you may want to check this out.. http://www.recipes-happen.com/25-walmart-gift-card-giveaway/
Monday, May 17, 2010
Far too busy with life, to live......
Have you ever just been too busy living to really LIVE??? What I mean by that is are you so tied up with the cares of the day to truly enjoy the life you have been given. I know lately I can ,I have been far busier with the crazy little things and have failed to truly appreciate the sometimes under-rated..
Have you really enjoyed the beautiful weather? I live in the North and have a great dislike for the winter months. It is so hectic that I have not really enjoyed the ability to dig in the dirt and plant my gorgeous flowers.
Maybe it is time to forget the day to day boredom and go play in the dirt, want to???
Have you really enjoyed the beautiful weather? I live in the North and have a great dislike for the winter months. It is so hectic that I have not really enjoyed the ability to dig in the dirt and plant my gorgeous flowers.
Maybe it is time to forget the day to day boredom and go play in the dirt, want to???
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Well the store(s) are coming together....
I guess it was bound to happen, I begin by starting with an eBay store and before you know it my items are posted to 3 different sites. My primary one is eBay, but I have stores with Etsy and Bonanzle. Unreal..... Check them out..
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Too busy????
Boy oh boy do I apologize to those who are keeping track of my post... I have been so busy starting my eBay store that I have totally neglected my blog. Although an eBay store is a great option if you sell on eBay, it can also take on a life of its own. Designing all the different pages and listing the auctions can be exhausting. The one thing I hold onto is the fact that I am helping support my family.
PS- Come check out my store...... Just checking to see if you are satisfied with your purchase. If so please leave positive feedback and I will do likewise.
Have a blessed day-
Michelle of Redeeming Treasures
PS- Come check out my store...... Just checking to see if you are satisfied with your purchase. If so please leave positive feedback and I will do likewise.
Have a blessed day-
Michelle of Redeeming Treasures
Monday, March 29, 2010
Easter Memories
This blog hop is a treat Easter Memories.. My father was a minister and I have very good memories of several holidays.. Easter has always been a very important day for us. See- we believe fully in the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus. BUT the real fun memories are of the easter egg hunt thru the house when it was snowing outside or the year we all had matching dresses (not my Dad) LOL
My Dad started a tradition while we were fairly young of buying all of us girls, me, my sister and Mom, our very own corsage. It may have only been a small corsage from the grocery store, but it sure meant the world to me.. My Dad has passed away, but I'll always have that memory

My Dad started a tradition while we were fairly young of buying all of us girls, me, my sister and Mom, our very own corsage. It may have only been a small corsage from the grocery store, but it sure meant the world to me.. My Dad has passed away, but I'll always have that memory
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I have been MIA (missing in action) SORRY
I must apologize for not being on top of things.. in the last 3 months I have had a couple "procedures". They have kicked my fanny.. I have Fibromyalgia and I feel like I have been in a chronic flare since the surgery. Now the shoulder is out if comission and I am down to one-handed typing.. Please be patient, I promise to be back in rare form as quickly as possible...
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Prayer answered..yes, no or wait...
Wow.. this is one of my favorite things to talk about. In my life i have seen God work in incredible and sometimes mysterious ways... As a child I was raised in a parsonage...My father was a minister and he instilled in us the knowledge that God can and will answer all prayer. The kicker is it may be him saying yes, no or wait. I am not always very gracious about the waiting part, am i the only one? I figured not..Answered prayer is not always the big request, it could be something as normal as finding lost keys or a missing pet. We must always remember how he loves to answer our prayers

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
My Doggers and Grand-dogger..LOL Spring is in the air
I am blessed with 2 very special doggers, not daughters, but pretty darned close..LOL My Mazie is a fabulous Yellow Lab and Sophie is a catagory all her own, she is my miniature black poodle. We also have our Grand-dogger Max.. Yes HER name is Max but she is a little girl.. Her Dad (my son-in-law) named her Max after his DuraMax truck.. These girls are extra great because they show me the renewal of spring. They all love the snow, but there is something about the coming spring. It is like freeing the dogs from 101 Dalmatians... When that door opens they are off in a flash. They have been cooped up all winter and now there are chipmunks to be hunted and trails to climb around on. Now that the snow is gone they can go to the river and play. They are 3 very special creatures

Friday, March 12, 2010
A new Blog Hop yeah.....
I am trying to gain followers so this is a great option. Thank you a head of time for your comments.. If you see anything that needs improvement th give me a shout... Welcome to all...

Thursday, March 11, 2010
New Blog Hop.. Tackle it Tuesday.... hmm...
I saw this blog hop while hopping on a different blog hop. Wow- thats a mouth ful..LOL
I thought I would pop on and give it a go.. I have been cleaning oout the linen closet and oh my.... I think I found a cat that went missing 3 years ago.. It is not quite that bad, but I have determined that I am a pack rat. I should join a 12 step program.. Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a packrat..
I look forward to more hops..
I thought I would pop on and give it a go.. I have been cleaning oout the linen closet and oh my.... I think I found a cat that went missing 3 years ago.. It is not quite that bad, but I have determined that I am a pack rat. I should join a 12 step program.. Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a packrat..
I look forward to more hops..
Blog Hop
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm too tired to serve... NOT (finding my destiny through Fibromyalgia)
Serving others... A wonderful concept yet scary at the same time. I think this hop came along at a perfect time for me. I have Fibromyalgia and have found that I am not doing much service to others anymore due to feeling like crap and I am physically exhausted all the time, BUT I feel God calling me to begin a ministry for that exact purpose. I am starting a support group for other Fibro patients. Our nearest support group is nearly 1 hour away. That can be a long drive in the Michigan winters or when you hurt so bad that you just want to cry, NOT ride/drive for 1 hour. So I realize that not everyone reading this understands the ministry angle, but my beliefs are dear and precious to me. If I can do as God is calling me, help others AND get my fanny off the couch, then it is all good... Right????
By the way, I need a catchy name for this support group,any ideas??

By the way, I need a catchy name for this support group,any ideas??
Blog Hop,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Just a update....
All is well here in our humble abode... I am trying real hard to get some order to my confused brain, in regards to all the info I am learning about internet marketing and my ebay selling.
For a change of pace.... I have begun to start my summer garden plans... I am doing raised beds, this year. Has anyone had success with this method? Since we are on such a tight budget and "getting out of "debt", we have decided to do a good size garden and can some and use our Foodsaver to freeze a good amount, by the way, if you dont have a Foodsaver then you should get one. They are a great answer to leftovers and bulk shopping....
For a change of pace.... I have begun to start my summer garden plans... I am doing raised beds, this year. Has anyone had success with this method? Since we are on such a tight budget and "getting out of "debt", we have decided to do a good size garden and can some and use our Foodsaver to freeze a good amount, by the way, if you dont have a Foodsaver then you should get one. They are a great answer to leftovers and bulk shopping....
Dave Ramsey,
getting out of debt
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Check out my new blog....
I have sarted another blog with a different purpose. I am involved in some ministries and I am starting a Fibromyalgia Support Group in my town. I wanted a more "serious" blog for transmitting info about those new endeavors..
I am looking for a "jazzy" name for the Fibro Support Group, any ideas?? Please leave me a comment with the name idea.
I am looking for a "jazzy" name for the Fibro Support Group, any ideas?? Please leave me a comment with the name idea.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Happy Anniversary SwagBucks...
Check out the link next to this post... It is called SwagBucks and it is incredible. It is a search engine that gives your "virtual dollars" for searching the web.. Something we do everyday. As you search it will randomly award you SwagBucks that can be redeemed for tons of prizes, such as gift cards, gaming systems, all kinds of things. Check it out. It is free and you save money on gifts or even things for yourself..
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Winter Wonderland...
Boy what a concept.. Pictures of our lovely weather. Well have I got a pic or two for you all. Let me begin with the fact that I live in Northern Michigan. massive snowfall is nothing to us. This picture is a shot of our patio table after only approx. 1 month of snowfall.. Yes the snow is even with the bottom of the table..

Friday, February 19, 2010
Well I now have proof I am OLD...
I am feeling quite old at the moment. I just spent over an hour on the phone with a nice young man trying to get my domain name info correct. All I want is to have people utomatically redirected to this blog when thwy type in my new domain name. You would think this is easy huh??? NOPE, at least not with my 44 year old mind.. The saga continues
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Blog Hops.. Love Them
I have found a new past-time. I joined MckLinky's and have been blog hopping and loving it.. You should give it a go, you will meet lots of people and find a who new group of blogs to enjoy
Blog Hop
Today I dive in deeper..
Today I am jumping into the world of "Domains". I have done alot of reading and have found it is wise to use a domain name instead of our "short" blogspot address. I am giving it a go and will report back with results.. If you all see something you don't like please let me know...
Learning HTML
Friday, February 12, 2010
Valentines Day Memory..
I guess for me the best memory I have of Valentines Day, is one that most people would never consider.. I was in the midst of a horrible divorce and I and 2 daughters had NO WHERE to go. Some very dear friends from church offered their home and "booted" one of their children from their own room, to give us a place to stay. That year Valentines Day was quickly approaching and I offered to watch all the kids while they went out. They would have nothing of it. They INSISTED on staying home with me and ALL the kids and having a night in.
Sometimes Real Love has nothing to do with "romance", it can be the very generous gift they gave a friend in need..

Sometimes Real Love has nothing to do with "romance", it can be the very generous gift they gave a friend in need..
Blog Hop
Thursday, February 11, 2010
TWO sewing Machine Giveaway!!!!
The folks at www.thediydish.com are giving away this set of machines. The sewing machine to one lucky winner and the other to some other very lucky reader.... Thaks Janome.... and diydish.com
Give Aways
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
What a beautiful day..
Today we woke to a beautiful snow covered landscape. We knew it was snowing as we went to bed, but it continued. Now this is not a new occurance for us here in Michigan. Snow is like breathing, it is just going to happen, but sometimes it takes my breath away with its beauty. The sun is shining a it is glistening. I guess it is time to slow down and enjoy the view. I guess that is similar to life... What we consier to be a problem often can become a beautiful stop along the road of life. IF WE LET IT...
Blogging Together-
Blogging Together-
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Dave Ramsey Homework week #4
Well our homework this week in Dave Ramsey,is to get a handle on our debt snowball.... We have alot less debt than most people, but we have NO savings..BABYSTEP #1
Baby Step #1 is $1000.00 in savings to "cover" you while you pay off your debt. It is Murphy's Law, that as soon as I start making progress on my debt, my car will break-down or I will need a new fridge...LOL I will keep everyone updated as we go...
Baby Step #1 is $1000.00 in savings to "cover" you while you pay off your debt. It is Murphy's Law, that as soon as I start making progress on my debt, my car will break-down or I will need a new fridge...LOL I will keep everyone updated as we go...
Debt-Free Living
Sunday, February 7, 2010
A busy weekend of learning Blogland
Hello all-
Just a note to say.. WOW there is a lot to learn in blog land.. I signed onto McKlinky, but how do I find ACTIVE blog hops???? Just a question. Need to get some rest, my hubby has surgery tomorrow.. Keep him in your prayers..
Just a note to say.. WOW there is a lot to learn in blog land.. I signed onto McKlinky, but how do I find ACTIVE blog hops???? Just a question. Need to get some rest, my hubby has surgery tomorrow.. Keep him in your prayers..
Learning HTML
I signed up for Relay For Life... Need a team name.....
Well I finally did it.. I have been trying for years to coordinate everything to be able to do this, but I finally said "ENOUGH", just DO IT.... My Grandma passed away from Breast Cancer years ago and I have a cousin who is in the battle. It may never be my time, but there are a lot of people fighting the battle and the least I can do is put aside a weekend and have a blast.. These events are so much fun and you get a chance to spend time with those you love. I plan to bring my daughters on board with me.
Now I just need a catchy name for our team... Any ideas???
Now I just need a catchy name for our team... Any ideas???
Friday, February 5, 2010
My new eBay auctions... getting out of debt, one sale at a time..
My husband and I have begun Dave Ramsey's "Financial Peace University".. How incredible and hard at the same time.. To be alittle inventive in the ways to help knock down our debt, I am listing anything in my home that isn't nailed down...Just joking! I figure I have everything from my daughters Prom dresses to a silver platter that I got as a wedding present. Neither have seen the light of day since their initial use..
I am really pleased and hoping to gain some traffic at the site. Please pop over and take a look, I would appreciate any constructive criticism
My link is above in the title...
I am really pleased and hoping to gain some traffic at the site. Please pop over and take a look, I would appreciate any constructive criticism
My link is above in the title...
Debt-Free Living,
Monday, February 1, 2010
Get way to earn Gift cards.....
Start saving NOW.........

Our friend, Kristen, at Couponing to Disney posted today about Swagbucks. I signed up through her site a couple months ago and I try to remind myself to use it for searching, but so far I've won 76 Swagbucks - not too shabby. I'm half way to my second Amazon.com $5 gift card. People can earn enough gift cards to pay for all their Christmas presents. Wouldn't that be great!?
So what is Swagbucks? It is literally a search engine that pays you to search! That's it! What I do is I do my "easy" searches for the day, sites I would already normally go to, my favorite blogs, favorite websites, etc... If I'm searching for something that I actually need information for then I use Swagbucks search engines. AND... if you get referals and get your friends to sign up, then you get 1 swagbuck for swagbuck up to 100!!!
There are also trivia games and clues daily to win extra Swagbucks...
What do you do to start?
First - Click on the link above......
Then just start searching! The first search I ever did I got 2 Swagbucks!! You will know because a Swagbuck will pop up and there will be a confirmation code - enter the code and you'll see your account total go up by the amount that you won. The confirmaion code is only used ocassionally to make sure you are not using a program to search. Some people get swagbucks multiple times per day.
And there is more than just Amazon.com! Just go to the prizes tab up at the top left and pick what works best for you! There are boat loads of different gift cards and prizes......
Let us know if you're already using Swagbucks! Or what you've gotten with them!! Happy searching.....
Our friend, Kristen, at Couponing to Disney posted today about Swagbucks. I signed up through her site a couple months ago and I try to remind myself to use it for searching, but so far I've won 76 Swagbucks - not too shabby. I'm half way to my second Amazon.com $5 gift card. People can earn enough gift cards to pay for all their Christmas presents. Wouldn't that be great!?
So what is Swagbucks? It is literally a search engine that pays you to search! That's it! What I do is I do my "easy" searches for the day, sites I would already normally go to, my favorite blogs, favorite websites, etc... If I'm searching for something that I actually need information for then I use Swagbucks search engines. AND... if you get referals and get your friends to sign up, then you get 1 swagbuck for swagbuck up to 100!!!
There are also trivia games and clues daily to win extra Swagbucks...
What do you do to start?
First - Click on the link above......
Then just start searching! The first search I ever did I got 2 Swagbucks!! You will know because a Swagbuck will pop up and there will be a confirmation code - enter the code and you'll see your account total go up by the amount that you won. The confirmaion code is only used ocassionally to make sure you are not using a program to search. Some people get swagbucks multiple times per day.
And there is more than just Amazon.com! Just go to the prizes tab up at the top left and pick what works best for you! There are boat loads of different gift cards and prizes......
Let us know if you're already using Swagbucks! Or what you've gotten with them!! Happy searching.....
$$$ Opportunities
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
We will be trying something new...
I am going to begin posting different "Grannies Remedies & Recipes".. Not sure how it will go, but the only way I will know is if you comment and let me know if you enjoy this or not.
First G.R.R.- Take apple Cidar vinegar (1-2 tablesoonfuls) to help ease indigestion. I will admit this, it is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to ingest, but I'll be darned if it does not work like a dream. It takes the acid away as your "burp" and calms the indigestion within seconds...... You can dilute it in some water, but in my experience it just prolongs the unpleasantness. Just brace yourself and put it down the hatch. You can have water or juice nearby to chase it down, I do not recommend milk because it is bound to curdle..
First G.R.R.- Take apple Cidar vinegar (1-2 tablesoonfuls) to help ease indigestion. I will admit this, it is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to ingest, but I'll be darned if it does not work like a dream. It takes the acid away as your "burp" and calms the indigestion within seconds...... You can dilute it in some water, but in my experience it just prolongs the unpleasantness. Just brace yourself and put it down the hatch. You can have water or juice nearby to chase it down, I do not recommend milk because it is bound to curdle..
Home Remedies,
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Jens giving away a waffle maker....
Check this out.... Jen is giving away a waffle maker.... Heres hoping you have great luck...
Give Aways
Well the new and I hope improved site?? The renewed Blog is almost finished.....
Please continue to visit and follow me as we take this journey together.. Be patient though I am still learning..(:
Throw out the period underwear........
Well I must say that I have NEVER felt so good as I do now. Now that the hysterectomy is behind me. I always heard people say " I never realized how bad I felt until I did this...." Well now I understand completely. Now I can.....
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